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Ranged attack :This setting will turn on ranged auto attack when targeting a mob outside melee range
Melee auto attack :This setting will turn on Melee auto attack when targeting a mob in melee range
Cancel auto attack after combat :Does what it says and turn off auto attack when not targeting a mob or yourself
Attempt to time auto attack :attempts to hold back spell/ability casting in order to maximize your auto attack
Skip mob attack health check :Attacks immediatly when targeting a mob
Attack HP: :will wait until mob has this percentage of health before attacking
Move behind :will move behind mob unless you have aggro
Move in front :will move in front of mob regaurdless of aggro
Move in :will move into melee range and not worry about what direction the mob is facing
Skip mob move health check :Will begin movement option selected above as soon as mob is targeted
Move HP: :Health percentage to begin movement option selected above
Skipencounter checks :Will use encoiunter nukes as soon as any mob is targeted
Encounter#: :will only use encounter nukes if this many mobs are linked to targeted mob
Skip AE checks :will use A/E nukes as soon as any mob is targeted
AE#: :Will only use A/E nukes is this many mobs are in A/E range

Cast abilities : Cast hostile abilities :allows casting of hostile CA's and spells taged as Hostile in the cast stack "basically turns your damaging abilitys on or off"
Cast named hostile abilities :allows casting of hostile abilites and CA's taged as NamedHostile in the cast stack "turns on or off any of the big nukes you save for names"
Cast in combat target abilities :in combat target abilities are abilities that you cast on a group / raid member while in combat
Cast heal abilities :Allows the casting of abilties taged as Heal in the cast stack "turns on and off your healing spells or temps tagged as a heal"
Cast power abilities :Allows the casting of abilities taged as Power in the cast stack "basically your power feeding abilities"
Cast cure abilities :self explanitory
Cast res abilities :self explanitory
Cast buff abilities :self explanitory
Cast out of combat abilities :useful for abilities that take to long cast in combat to be useful such as the defiler pet "only my opinion"
cast out of combat buff abilities :
Cast invis abilities :
Cancel casting for group cure :This will stop whatever you healer is casting and imediatly cure if needed
Always cast named hostiles :cast named hostiles on any mob "usefull if the bot isnt reckognizing a named mob as a named mob"
Start heroic opportunities :this will allows this toon to start heroic oppurtunities for there group

Assisting :assists whoever is in the assist list "don't check this for your tank"
Looting :loots shit
Loot corpse :auto loots corpses
Loot chest :auto loots any chest in range
Lock spotting :will stay in and return to location set as there locked spot
Auto target mobs :will auto matically target the nearest mob that is in combat with you "only check this on your tank, it messes with auto assist otherwize"
Auto load RIMUI :will automatically load the RIMUI when loading combat bot
Auto load RI MOB HUD :Automatically load the RI MOB HUD when loading combat bot
Accept resses :Accepts rezzing from those on your OK LIST
Accept invites :Accepts invites from those on your OK LIST
Accept trades :bet you can gues this one
Accept loot :possibly this one if you read the previous 3
Skip ability collision checks :i have no idea what this does but i assume it skips ability collision checks or just increses your car insurance bill "good thing you have accident forgivness from AllState"
Face mob in combat :face your avatar and screen towards the targeted mob "usefull for ensuring auto attack is being used properly"
Send pets in to attack :send in your pets to attack targeted mob