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Author Topic: ISXRI - Archived Update Notes #4  (Read 5648 times)


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ISXRI - Archived Update Notes #4
« on: May 15, 2017, 12:55:04 am »
;4.992 Changes 3-8-17
;   RunInstances
;      Fixed a missing function bug

;4.991 Changes 3-7-17
;   RunInstances:
;      Added Expert Zones for Coded RI Zones
;   CombatBot
;      Fixed a bug that would not allow Ascension buffs to Cast
;      Fixed a bug that was incorrectly displaying some ability types
;      Fixed a range bug with Item Casting
;   AbilityCheck
;      Added Pathfinding Ability from AbilitiesTab
;   RI_Salvage
;      Fixed a bug that was not salvaging bag 4
;   RI_Transmute
;      Fixed a bug that was not transmuting bag 4
;   RunInstances & RI
;      Made some backend changes to allow for more robust code sharing

;v4.99 Changes 3-1-17
;   RI:
;      Added Large Ulteran Spire and Guild Portal Druid to Zone Button
;      Modified Zone button to only click the closest Actor in the list and not ALL
;      Fixed a bug in LootOptions
;   RunInstances:
;      Arcanna'Se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Event Heroic]
;         Tweaked lockspot for Armor
;      Lost City of Torsis: Shrouded Temple [Event Heroic]
;         Turned off RI Balance Mobs
;         The Meld of Haze:
;            Tweaked LockSpot and Pathing
;            Added - Toon with closest mirage will wait to kill till all the other mirages are dead and the furthest away group member is closer than my mirage.
;      Added Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop [Heroic] (Pathing not Available yet just Named Scripts)
;         Added Tootooz (RI Pull Tootooz)
;            will point
;         Added Googantuan (RI Pull Googantuan)  (Starts near first valve at -423 1 -195)
;            will move to all valves and close them, then campspot and fight
;         Added Enchanted Sword and Shield (RI Pull Enchanted) (Spawn Named's first or script will autoend)
;            will joust Sword's Curse and cure shields and swords immunities
;         Added Haggle Baron Dalnir (RI Pull Baron) (Set group options to FreeForAll or LeaderOnly and Assign to Bard, and Engage fight then invoke pull command)
;            Lockspot for group, bard will get resources, craft and close the Forges
;   CombatBot:
;      Added the following RI_Obj_CB Member's:
;         member:int ConvertAbilityID(string _AbilityName) - returns the ID of the highest level of ability _AbilityName thats your level or lower
;         member:string ConvertAbility(string _AbilityName) - returns the Name of the highest level of ability _AbilityName thats your level or lower
;   RIMUI:
;      Added RIMUIObj Method's, Member's and *Button's
;         *method DisplayStats(... _Stats) - Displays stats passed in console (Stat must be Exact spelling, not Case sensitive)
;         member(string) DisplayStat(string _Stat) - Returns value of stat passed
;            available Stats:
;               Resolve,Fervor,AAXPModCap,TradeskillXPModCap,CombatXPModCap,AAXPMod,TradeskillXPMod,CombatXPMod,Lethality
;               LethalityPercent,PVPSpellDoubleAttack,Weapon_Damage_Bonus,SpellDoubleAttack,AbilityDoubleAttack
;               PvP_Critical_Mitigation,Defense_ToughnessPercent,Defense_Toughness,DPS,Run_Speed,Haste,Hate_Mod,Defense_Mitigation
;               Defense_MitigationPercent,Defense_Avoidance,Defense_AvoidanceBase,Defense_AvoidanceBlock,Defense_AvoidanceParry
;               CurrentStatus,LifetimeStatus,PowerRange,HealthRange,ConcentrationRange,Defense,Strength,Agility,Stamina,Intelligence
;               Wisdom,Physical,Elemental,Arcane,Noxious,Damage_Reduction_Physical,Damage_Reduction_Arcane,Damage_Reduction_Elemental
;               Damage_Reduction_Noxious,Damage_Reduction_Percentage_Physical,Damage_Reduction_Percentage_Arcane
;               Damage_Reduction_Percentage_Elemental,Damage_Reduction_Percentage_Noxious,Crit_Chance,Crit_Bonus,Ability_Mod,Potency
;               HP_Regen,Power_Regen,Double_Atk_Percent,Ranged_Double_Atk_Percent,AE_AutoAtk_Percent,Spell_Reuse_Spell_Only
;               Spell_Reuse_Percent,Spell_Cast_Percent,Spell_Recovery_Percent,Accuracy,Flurry,Critical_Mitigation,Shield_Effectiveness
;               Deflection_Chance,Primary_Damage_Range,Secondary_Damage_Range,Ranged_Damage_Range,Primary_Delay,Secondary_Delay
;               Ranged_Delay,Strikethrough,Houses,Dungeons

;v4.98 Changes 2-20-17
;   RI
;      Added the Following RI Commands:
;         RI UNLOAD   - Completely unloads extensions and all scripts
;         RI UNLOADEXTENSION   - Completely unloads extensions and all scripts
;         RI END (RIMUI,RIMOVEMENT,CB,RI,RIMOBHUD)   - Ends the pertaining script
;      Added (Now are persistent for entire time extension is loaded)
;         RI_Var_Bool_GrabShinys
;         RI_Var_Bool_WaitForShinys
;   WriteLocs
;      Fixed a bug that was not scrolling all the way down when adding an item to the listbox
;      Fixed an unneeded include bug
;   RunInstances
;      Added ability to run in any zone with your own ZoneFiles via ImportZoneFile command
;      Added RI_Var_Bool_BalanceTrash global BOOL - turns on/off RunInstances balancing of trash mob health
;      Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Heroic]
;         Fixed a bug on Caelan'Gael that would target charmed Protectors
;      Removed (Moved to RI)
;         RI_Var_Bool_GrabShinys
;         RI_Var_Bool_WaitForShinys
;   Combatbot:
;      RI_Obj_CB:
;         Added method CastWhileMoving(bool Enabled) - turns on and off casting while moving
;   RimUI
;      Added RIMUIObj Method's, Member's and *Button's
;         *method BalanceTrash(bool On)  - turns on/off RunInstances balancing of trash mob health
;         *method InitializeFactions(string ForWho=ALL)  - Retrieves faction data from server
;         *method DisplayAllFactions(string ForWho=ALL)  - Displays all faction data, will retrieve data from server if doesn't exist
;         *method TravelMap(string ForWho=ALL, string ZoneName, int ZoneOption=0) - Clicks ZoneName on TravelMap and Zones there (case insesitive and partial zone names are fine)
;         *method TravelMapPop(string ForWho=ALL) - Opens a UserInput widow and Clicks Name entered on TravelMap and Zones there (case insesitive and partial zone names are fine)
;         *method ScribeBook(string ForWho=ALL, string BookName) - Scribes the recipe book if it exists in your inventory (case insesitive and partial book names are fine)
;         *method GuidedAscension(string ForWho=ALL) - Applies Guided Ascension if it exists in your inventory and is useable
;         member(bool) FactionsInitialized()  - TRUE if faction data exists, FALSE if not, if not will start initializing
;         member(string) FactionName(int _IndexPosition)  - Returns exact name and case of Faction as shown in game, -1 means no data exists and will start initializing
;         member(int) FactionAmount(string _FactionName)  - Returns amount of faction for given faction name (must be exact spelling, case does not matter), -1 means no data exists and will start initializing
;         member(string) FactionKOS(string _FactionName)  - Returns KOS of faction for given faction name (must be exact spelling, case does not matter), -1 means no data exists and will start initializing
;            !!!!!! If anyone would like an example script showing how these work, ask on irc or on the forums. !!!!!
;      Added Bell's to Zone Button

;v4.97 Changes 2-4-17
;   RI_Transmute and RI_Salvage
;      Tweaked timing
;   CombatBot
;      Fixed a bug that was not Starting Heroic opp's when clicked

;v4.96 Changes 2-3-17
;   RI
;      Fixed a bug in Potion/Food/Drink/Poision Replenish/AutoConsumer

;v4.95 Changes 2-3-17
;   RI
;      GuildBuffs
;         fixed command to actually execute instead of echo, added a few more items and reduced the wait to 5s each
;      Reenabled Command
;         RI_Collection, usage RI_Collection Bag or RI_Collection Depot, will collect all collections in a depot or your bags that are not already collected
;      CoT
;         fixed a bug that would sometimes not engage the script
;      Potion/Food/Drink/Poision Replenish/AutoConsumer
;         updated to KA

;v4.94 Changes 1-31-17
;   RI
;      Added channeler to PreHeal command
;   RunInstances
;      Lost City of Torsis: The Shrouded Temple [Event Heroic]
;         fixed a bug that was prematurely ending the Haze fight when his Actor no longer Existed
;   CombatBot
;      fixed a bug that would sometimes cause abilities to double cast
;      fixed a bug with Beastlord that would sometimes cast a primal right after another when not at the correct savagery
;   RA
;      Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the main not to run RI correctly or at the correct time

;v4.93 Changes 1-31-17
;   RI_AggroControl
;      fixed a bug that was not accepting arguments
;   RunInstances
;      Lost City of Torsis: The Shrouded Temple [Event Heroic]
;         fixed zone file

;v4.92 Changes 1-30-17
;   RimUI
;      Added Method and Button
;         method GuildBuffs(string ForWho=ALL) - Will click ToT and KA preorder clickie buffs with a 10s gap
;   RunInstances
;      Added Lost City of Torsis: The Shrouded Temple [Event Heroic]
;         pathing
;         CustomNameds:
;            Haze
;               will go kill your mirages (when they actually spawn)
;            Reaver
;               will go kill add for curse
;               will go get correct damage buff
;   WriteLocs
;      Added testrun command
;         will run the waypoints in the file, but ignore all other commands except wait
;            be careful this is not RI it doesnt do anything but run the zonefile
;            best to be done in an empty zone

;v4.91 Changes 1-23-17
;   RunInstances
;      Tweaked Arcanna'se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Event Heroic]
;         Tweaked timing on Armor pull
;      Tweaked Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Heroic]
;         Fixed targeting bug with Lachina and Protectors
;      Added ZoneFile for The Frillik Tide
;   AbilityCheck
;      Added Summon: from Abilities Tab for Diety Pets

;v4.90 Changes 1-22-17
;   RunInstances
;      removed auto turn on/off of consuming drinks/potions
;      changed some backend code used in determining who is the main and who are not
;      added global boolean RI_Var_Bool_PauseMovement to pause all movement in RunInstances
;      Added The Frillik Tide (Early Alpha Release, please post bugs to Forums or Forge)
;         full zone completion in ~5mins
;      Added Xalgozian Stronghold [Solo]
;         includes killing the writ of war if you are on that quest
;      Tweaked Xalgozian Stronghold [Heroic]
;         Vihgoh
;            Turned off All AE's and Encounters and Turned on Singular Focus/ Subtle Strikes
;         Tweaked pathing
;      Tweaked Arcanna'se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Event Heroic]
;         Timing
;         The Armor of Sul
;            Will move out of center when increments are gone
;      Tweaked Arcanna'se Spire: Repository of Secrets [Heroic]
;         Tabor'Zaai
;            Each toon does their own targeting
;      Tweaked Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Heroic]
;         Caelan'Gael
;            added crouch and walk for duration of fight
;      Tweaked The Crypt of Agony [Agnostic]
;         Pathing and timing
;   RZ
;      Fixed new zones for 6 hour timers
;   ShareMissions
;      Converted to new QuestJournalWindow System
;   DeleteMissions
;      Converted to new QuestJournalWindow System
;   Added RI_Transmute
;      Transmutes as per settings in ui
;   Added RI_Salvage
;      Salvages as per settings in ui
;   WriteLocs
;      Fixed a bug in Default ZoneFile Name when theres a ","
;   RIMovement
;      Fixed a bug with Landing in RIFlyFollow
;   RIMobHud
;      updated to new actor query system
;   CombatBot
;      Fixed a bug that caused,when flying would not save profile
;      Added new methods to RI_Obj_CB
;         method DoNotCastAE(bool Enabled) - Will prevent the bot from casting AE's
;         method DoNotCastEncounter(bool Enabled) - Will prevent the bot from casting Encounter Spells's
;      Temporarily disabled summon mount in cast stack (you can still use the RimUI button)
;      Fixed Auto Attack Timing Object
;   RI_AbilityCheck
;      fixed a bug that was not tagging Unda Arcanus Spiritus and Dagger Storm as ae's
;   RA
;      Fixed a bug with loading zonefiles
;   RimUI
;      Added Buttons and Methods:
;         method UplinkConnect(string PCName)  - connects PCName to the uplink (make sure the firewall is allowing and in innerspace config the pcnames are set correctly and ports are correct)
;          method UplinkList  - lists in the console all PC's connected to the uplink