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Author Topic: ISXRI - Archived Update Notes #3  (Read 5314 times)


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ISXRI - Archived Update Notes #3
« on: January 22, 2017, 11:07:09 pm »

;v4.89 Changes 1-8-17
;   CombatBot
;      fixed a bug that would sometimes (rarely) get stuck in a loop of recasting summon mount

;v4.88 Changes 1-8-17
;   RA
;      removed auto loading of RI's ImportZoneFile function to import default WL zone file
;      Fixed a small bug related to loading
;   RunInstances
;      added auto loading of RI's ImportZoneFile function to import default WL zone file
;         IF there is no zone file in the extension
;   CombatBot
;      Added Summon Mount to Export List for every toon so the
;      ability can be added to the cast stack as a buff or noncombat buff
;   RI
;      Added SummonMount command for RIMUI and RIMUIObj

;v4.87 Changes 1-7-17
;   CombatBot
;      Added cb importogre as an alias for cb ogreimport
;   RI
;      Added RI_Var_Bool_SkipCheckToons global bool to skip full group checks with RunInstances
;   RunInstances
;      Removed SkipCheckToons global bool and moved to RI so stays static with extension
;      Fixed a bug in Arcanna'Se Spire: Repository of Secrets that would pull the last nameds entire wing of trash at once

;v4.86 Changes 1-6-17
;   RI
;      Fixed an issue with the updater, added RI_Update command back in
;DO NOT USE UPDATER, on 4.85 or Older versons, if you do you must go into your Extensions folder and rename ISXDold.dll folder to ISXDK35 then Download from http://www.isxri.com/ISXRI.dll

;v4.85 Changes 1-4-17
;   RIMovement
;      Fixed a bug that would not land from flying if we were within correct distance of our FollowTarget
;   RI
;      Added stopfollowing to StopMove code
;   CombatBot
;      Removed behind/flanking checks since its now done in game (thanks dbg) - REVERTED as so did DBG
;      Fixed a bug that was reporting a few abilities as incorrect types

;v4.84 Changes 1-3-17
;   RunInstances
;      Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Heroic]
;         Fixed a bug near last named that pulled her entire hall and room of trash at once
;      Fixed a bug in Balancing adds in Named Fights
;   RZ
;      Added Arcanna'Se Spire Zones
;   RI
;      Added new Script RI_HideEffects
;         Hides all your effects that are -1 duration and self,group,pet or raid

;v4.83 Changes 1-3-16
;   RunInstances
;      Added balancing to Adds in Named Fights
;      Fixed Crypt of Agony [Agnostic] zone file

;v4.82 Changes 1-3-17
;   RunInstances:
;      Added balancing of trash to within 2 health
;      Modified movement routine to work better with flying and swimming
;      Crypt of Dalnir: Wizard's Den [Event Heroic]
;         Added pathing of entire zone
;      Maldura: Palace Foray [Event Heroic]
;         Modified Dreadmaw and Dreadtusk:
;            Instead of bard handling script now it sends the first person alphabetically unless they are tank then 2nd person
;      Added The Crypt of Agony [Agnostic]
;         Pathing for entire zone including zone out to be compatible with RA
;   CombatBot:
;      Modified TargetNearestAggroMob && CountAE object to use new QueryActor system
;      Moved GetCharms and GetItems functions outside of main script so it does not hold up everything while iterating
;         through peoples sometimes very large and full inventory bags
;   RA
;      Added 15s wait when zoning to Qeynos/Freeport before zoning back to specified zone
;      Added 2ms wait after calling GetZoneList Object to ensure its populated before Checking arg for correct Highlight row option

;v4.81 Changes 12-31-16
;   RI
;      Fixed Timing on INQ Preheal
;      Added new Script
;         RA (RunAgnostics)
;             Very similiar to RZ in that it will loop an Agnostic zone over and over
;               Zone either has to be coded in the extension or you must have a
;               dat file in WriteLocs default name in the ZoneFiles folder
;            simply type RA ZoneName into the console and it will begin
;            (make sure your grouped up and at your appropriate agnostic portal(evil or good))
;               zone name can be anything from just a few letters to the full zone name it
;               will search from top down the destination list until it finds
;               a zone matching what you entered for ZoneName, remember if you have spaces in your
;               ZoneName please surround the entire ZoneName with ""
;   RunInstances
;      Added all the Agnostic Zones
;         most do not have files built into the extension yet but can be ran with custom made files from RI_WriteLocs
;            simply type ImportZoneFile filename.dat after loading RI
;      Added Crypt of Dalnir: Wizard's Den [Event Heroic]
;         pathing entire zone (NOT PATCHED YET)
;         Custom Named Coding: (RI Pull Name)
;            Gooblin
;               Uses item on each toon when appropriate based on Alphabetical
;      Modified ImportZoneFile to allow calling with no argument and to default to WriteLocs
;      default zone file name when called with no argument
;   AbilityCheck
;      Updated to use new ToAbilityInfo

;v4.80 Changes 12-30-16
;   RunInstances
;      Fixed a bug in reading ZoneFiles
;   WriteLocs
;      Added loading of existing dat files from the ZoneFiles folder
;         auto loads if default file exists
;      Added Edit Selection feature to edit anything already in the Waypoints ListBox
;      Modified WriteLoc to change the currently selected item to a loc if selected

;v4.79 Changes 12-29-16
;   RunInstances
;      Changed some backend code on how RunInstances reads Files from the extension and from disk
;      Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Heroic]
;         Fixed a bug in Lachina and Queshaun that could rarely cause the script to do the opposite
;      Arcanna'se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Heroic]
;         Updated Sorceress code to use new Actor Effect Query System
;         Refined timing
;      Added the Rest of the Kunark Ascending Heroic, Event Heroic, Solo and Advanced Solo zones
;         they do not have files built into the extension yet but can be ran with custom made files from RI_WriteLocs
;            simply type ImportZoneFile filename.dat after loading RI
;   RI
;      Fixed camp desktop
;      Added a few KA zones for Zone button
;   CombatBot
;      Globally Disabled Attempt to TimeAutoAttacks
;      Fixed a bug in Importing Charms

;v4.78 Changes 12-29-16
;   RunInstances
;      Added Arcanna'se Spire: Revealed
;         Pathing across entire zone and clickies
;   CombatBot
;      Added a few more Flying Checks
;      Fixed a maintained bug that was not correctly checking maintained target on Hostile Abilities
;      Fixed Logic for imported Target Type @PCTarget, to check implied target as well and to ignore ability if neither exists or is not a player character

;v4.77 Changes 12-28-16
;   RI
;      Fixed a bug in RIFollow
;   RunInstances
;      Fixed a bug that would cause "all other" to try to end the script twice resulting in an error message
;      Autoloot now temporarily disables looting in CB as well
;   CombatBot
;      Updated Inventory functions to use new QueryInventory system

;v4.76 Changes 12-26-16
;   CombatBot
;      Fixed a bug that was incorrectly reading and tagging Beneficial AE's
;      Fixed a bug that would incorrectly set the UIelements on CastStackClick of certain abilities
;      Fixed a bug that was not treating Beneficial AE's as AE's
;      Added RI_Var_Bool_CastWhileMoving global boolean to Allow Casting While Moving
;   ShareMissions
;      Increased wait to 1.5s to allow time for toons to accept.

;v4.75 Changes 12-23-16
;   RunInstances
;      Added Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Heroic]
;         Pathing across entire zone
;         Special Coding for Following Nameds:
;            Queshaun
;               Target self and backoff pets while Endemic Redoubt is up
;            Caelan'Gael
;               AutoTargeting of the vile prisons and the adds
;            Lachina
;               Target self and backoff pets while Endemic Redoubt is up
;      Added Arcanna'se Spire: Repository of Secrets [Heroic]
;         Pathing across entire zone
;         Special Coding for Following Nameds:
;            Tabor'Zaai
;               Target remnants while Endemic glyphs are up
;      Added Arcanna'se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Event Heroic]
;         Pathing across entire zone
;         Special Coding for Following Nameds:
;            Sorceress
;               Mages will Absorb Magic as needed (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT DONE YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
;   RI
;      Added ability to call specific custom coded named encouters independent of RI
;         type RI Pull Named in console to invoke functions, available encounters:
;            Vhankmin, Eghonz, Janosz, Queshaun, Caelan'Gael, Lachina, Tabor'Zaai, Sorceress
;         more to come, Type RI Pull NAMEDLIST anytime for a full list of available encounters
;      Added 3 New Scripts
;         RI_DeleteMissions(bool Prompt=TRUE)  -- Deletes all your mission quests in your quest journal
;         RI_ShareMissions(bool Prompt=TRUE)  -- Shares all your mission quests in your quest journal
;         RI_Balance  -- balances mobs within a certain health threshold.
;      Updated WriteLocs

;v4.74 Changes 12-19-16
;   RI
;      Removed inmygroup check from RIMobHud
;   CombatBot
;      Added Verdict Casting for Inquisitors
;      Added Looting Corpses and Chests
;   RunInstances
;      Refined Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold [Heroic]
;         changed LockSpots for Xigoh
;         changed targeting on Vhankmin
;      Changed the way the UI handles auto loot

;v4.73 Changes 12-16-16
;   RI
;      Refined Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold [Heroic]
;         Added Custom Coding for:
;            Eghonz (target self and back off pets while bulwark is up)
;            Janosz (target self and back off pets while bulwark is up, target adds when up)
;         Cleaned up some of the pathing
;   CombatBot
;      Added Atom:
;         RI_Atom_CB_SetUISetting(string _SettingName, string Value)
;            changes setting on the SettingsTab of CB to the Value given
;      Added some coding for Allowing certain Ascension abilities at Hostile that were previously coming up as beneficial

;v4.72 Changes 12-12-16
;   RI
;      Added Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold [Heroic] to RI
;   AutoDeity
;      Removed the prompt asking are you sure

;v4.71 Changes 12-11-16
;   RI
;      Fixed a crashing bug in RI_AutoTarget

;v4.70 Changes 12-10-16
;   RIMovement
;      Removed a couple leftover calls to stayafloat system.
;      Fixed a bug that when pausing RIMovement it would not stop autorun
;      Added SwimFollow to RIMovement

;v4.69 Changes 12-4-16
;   CombatBot:
;      Fixed a bug that prevented CB from Killing AutoDiety when detect text "You must have expansion 12 to use this feature"
;         - also moved this functionality to the AutoDiety Script itself
;   RIMovement
;      Fixed a bug that when pausing RIMovement would sometimes not release held movement keys.

;v4.68 Changes 11-27-16
;   RI:
;      Added Face Target to Hail Command.
;      Added RI_Harvest - just harvest any node you come within 7m of
;   CombatBot:
;      Fixed a bug that attempted to cast while flying

;v4.67 Changes 11-16-16
;   CombatBot:
;      Fixed a small bug related to detecting in combat for casting Hostile, NamedHostile or InCombatTargeted Spells.
;      Fixed a bug with Character(exists) that surfaced after removing all calls to ToActor (previously exists would fail if toon in another zone)
;         Fixed by adding an additional check everywhere for .InZone and Health>0

;v4.66 Changes 11-12-16
;   ALL:
;      Removed ALL Deprecated ToActor Calls.

;v4.65 Changes 7-14-16
;   RI:
;      Fixed all ChoiceWindow Text Finds to appropriate new syntax
;   CombatBot
;      Fixed all ChoiceWindow Text Finds to appropriate new syntax

;v4.64 Changes 7-10-16
;   RI:
;      Opened up Full access to everything to Beta login, Added an Identical login, Public with password Free, this login also has full access.
;   RILogin:
;      Fixed syntax replacing AddToTextBox with SetProperty
;   RunInstances:
;      Fixed a bug in Stygian Custom Function StygianForest that was not correctly ignoring NON LOS Shinys

;v4.63 Changes 7-6-16
;   RunInstances:
;      Fixed another bug in KP: Rise to Power that was getting the group stuck.

;v4.62 Changes 7-6-16
;   RunInstances:
;      Fixed a bug in KP: Rise to Power and Stygian Threshold that was getting the group stuck.
;   RI:
;      Added RI_WriteLocs
;         - script to create ZoneFiles for RunInstances.

;v4.61 Changes 4-1-16
;   ISXDK35

;v4.60 Changes 3-31-16
;   small patcher update in preparation for ISXDK35 (you can change over and it will work)

;v4.59 Changes 1-21-16
;   RIMovement:
;      Removed auto swim up when swimming
;   CombatBot:
;      Added MoveBehind Code

;v4.58 Changes 1-6-16
;   RunInstances:
;      Tweaked Dreadtusk
;      Tweaked Dreadmaw
;      Tweaked Z'Koz
;      To attempt to reduce stucks, Reduced Shiny Scan Distance to 10 for:
;         KP: Rise to Power
;         KP: Temple of the Ill Seen

;v4.57 Changes 1-4-16
;   RI:
;      Added Command:
;         RI_AutoDeity(int Mode=0, string Debug=Verbose)
;            Accepts the following Mode:
;               0 - Balance ALL (Default)
;               1 - Spend all points in Potency
;                2 - Spend all points in Crit Bonus
;                3 - Spend all points in Stamina
;               4 - Balance Only Potency and Crit Bonus
;               5 - Balance Only Potency and Stamina
;               6 - Balance Only Crit Bonus and Stamina
;            Accepts the following Debug:
;               Silent
;               Verbose (Default)
;            Script includes a Global Atom to change the mode on the Fly:
;               RIAutoDeity_ChangeMode(int Mode=0)
;                  Refer to above Modes
;            Usage Example: RI_AutoDeity 2 Silent
;   RunInstances:
;      Tweaked Z'Koz
;   CombatBot:
;      Added auto loading of RIAutoDeity with the default options to CB
;         Saveable profile options coming later
;         To End simply type endscript Buffer:RIAutoDeity

;v4.56 Changes 12-28-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Tweaked Zaraxia
;      Tweaked Mraz
;      Tweaked Bagarash

;v4.55 Changes 12-28-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Added StygianForest Routine to Stygian Heroic
;      Rewrote alot of the pathing in Stygian Heroic
;   CombatBot:
;      Fixed a bug in ConfrontFear Routine
;   RI:
;      Modified Zone fn
;   RZ:
;      Added KP Zones and Stygian Zones

;v4.54 Changes 12-24-15      
;   RunInstances:
;      fixed a bug in Palace that was not moving dirge behind group and not moving back to doorway
;      tweaked Howling Gateway
;   CombatBot:
;      fixed Confront Fear Logic
;   RIMovement:
;      Added out of group flying follow

;v4.53 Changes 12-18-15
;   RunInstances:
;      fixed a bug in Rise To Power that was sending the group to the wrong rooms

;v4.52 Changes 12-18-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Tweaked Rise To Power
;      Tweaked Palace

;v4.51 Changes 12-18-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Added Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power [Heroic]
;         Added Coding for Xacx-Kahd
;      Added Kralet Penumbra: Temple of the Ill-Seen [Heroic]
;   RIMovement:
;      Fixed a bug that would rarely not release back or forward keys when moving behind and getting agro

;v4.50 Changes 12-17-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Really Fixed a bug in Bar Brawl that was not targeting the fungus after the Circus Brothers.
;               Fixed a bug in Palace that would sometimes not target the aggressive if they add.
;   RZ:
;      Really Added Maldura Zones
;v4.49 Changes 12-17-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Fixed a bug in Bar Brawl that was not targeting the fungus after the Circus Brothers.
;   RZ:
;      Added Maldura Zones

;v4.48 Changes 12-16-15
;   CombatBot:
;      Fixed a HUGE bug that would Cause the cast stack to not go beyond
;         an ability that part of the name was in an item either in inventory or
;         equipped, long story short, Alot of Classes were not casting correctly and
;         their cast stack's would get stuck rendering them ineffective. THIS IS FIXED

;v4.47 Changes 12-15-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Tweaked Gavitzle
;      Added a cpl PreHeal spots in Bar Brawl
;      Added Stygian Threshold: The Howling Gateway [Event Heroic]
;         Added Coding for Hagrash
;         Added Coding for Gagrash
;         Added Coding for Bagagrash

;v4.46 Changes 12-15-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Added Maldura: Palace Foray [Event Heroic]
;         Added Coding for Dreadtusk (fight and spawn)
;         Added Coding for Dreadmaw (fight and spawn)

;v4.45 Changes 12-14-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Fixed a Bug in Maldura: District of Ash [Heroic] that would evac on last named
;      Fixed a Bug in Maldura: District of Ash [Heroic] that was skipping Gavitzle's script

;v4.44 Changes 12-14-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Added Maldura: District of Ash [Heroic]
;         Added Coding for Gavitzle
;         Added Coding for Cudgava

;v4.43 Changes 12-10-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Added NoKill NPC check in Named Function
;               Tweaked Bar Brawl

;v4.42 Changes 12-10-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Added First Named in Bar Brawl to Zone File
;      Tweaked Coding for Bailey   

;v4.41 Changes 12-9-15
;   RI:
;      Fixed a bug in RI_Atom_SetRIFollow
;   RunInstances:
;      Added Bar Brawl (Event Heroic)
;         Added Coding for Bailey   

;v4.40 Changes 11-29-15
;   RIMUI:
;      Added auto adding of Quotes for arguments that need them if they are not put in.
;   RunInstances:
;      Added checking if RZ is running before redisabling LockSpotting on Exit.
;      Added Stygian Threshhold(Heroic)
;         Added Coding for Nocturn
;         Added Coding for Heracyne
;         Added Coding for Mawz

;v4.39 Changes 11-5-15
;   RI:
;      Fixed a bug in Hail that was not hailing multi word actors
;   CombatBot:
;      Fixed a bug in OnEvents that was not allowing entry of ${} and escaping them.

;v4.38 Changes 11-5-15
;   RI:
;      Added secondary authentication server
;      Moved RI_Update command to PRE Auth, so if its failing auth you can still at least update

;v4.37 Changes 11-4-15
;   RunInstances:
;      Fixed a bug that was not looting shinys in most cases.
;   CombatBot:
;      Added Methods to RI_Obj_CB:
;         method Debug(string EnableDisable)
;         method CastingDebug(string EnableDisable)
;            EnableDisable will accept 1/TRUE for Enable and 0/FALSE for Disable
;      Added CastingDebug/Debug Checkboxes in Misc Frame
;      Fixed a bug that was not allowing [] or , to be entered in OnEvents and Announce Commands

;v4.36 Changes 11-4-15
;   CombatBot:
;      Added X,Y Text Entry boxes for All 3 Hud Types as well as + - buttons to inc or dec the values
;         Added Saving to profile of above
;      Added HudsRaidGroupOnlyCheckBox to RaidGroupHud to allow only your group to be shown when in raid
;   RI:
;      Added methods:
;         method LoadNearestPlayerHud(string ForWho)
;         method UnLoadNearestPlayerHud(string ForWho)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2017, 02:08:53 am by Herculezz »